Monthly Archives: April 2014

The “Unknowns” of International Trade

?????????????????????????????????????????Doing business, sight unseen, with foreign suppliers provides challenges both expected and unexpected. Whether or not your international venture will be profitable will depend largely on whether or not you can anticipate and plan for the bulk of these unknowns.


By |April 27th, 2014|Expert Importing & Exporting Advice|Comments Off

Talk to Walker before You Increase Staff

?????????????????????????????????????????????As your international business grows, so does the need for dedicated personnel to manage the complexities of global transactions. Before you incur the expense of hiring full-time staff members, consider the simplicity and affordability of dealing with Walker World Trade.


By |April 20th, 2014|Expert Importing & Exporting Advice|Comments Off

Beware of Get-Rich-Quick Importing Schemes

????????????????They’re out there. Those offshore search engines and agents promising remarkable prices and inexpensive freight to your U.S. designation. Don’t fall prey to their schemes.


By |April 13th, 2014|Expert Importing & Exporting Advice|Comments Off

Walker Is the COSTCO of International Trade Management


When you make the decision to do business internationally, you need a “one-stop shop” to help you get it all done.


By |April 6th, 2014|Expert Importing & Exporting Advice|Comments Off